Pomozimo Milošu da postane šampion svog života
Miloš Cimeša
Miloš (2008.) je rođen kao zdrav, veseo i napredan dečak, koji je počeo prve reči da izgovara već sa 12 meseci i u tom periodu je imao odličnu motoriku. Samo dva meseca kasnije Miloš prestaje da se odaziva na svoje ime, prestaje potpuno da govori a i motorika mu se dramatično pogoršala. Miloš je sa 20 meseci potpuno ušao u svet autizma. Usledila je lekarska procedura posle koje se potvrđuje vrlo izražen oblik autizma sa ne baš optimističnim prognozama poboljšanja njegovog stanja.
Danas Miloš uz ogromnu borbu, ima govor, ali nerazvijen i oskudan za njegov uzrast, lošu finu i grubu motoriku, hipersenzibilan je na određene zvukove i iznenadne situacije, promenljivog je ponašanja, socijalno i emotivno nezreo, nije samostalan. Odrastao je uz samohranu majku, baku i deku, koji su oboje iznenada preminuli pre 3 godine samo u 8 meseci. Nezaposlena majka ostaje potpuno sama sa detetom koje je preživelo ogromnu traumu tako brzog gubitka i bake i deke što je pogoršalo njegovo psihičko stanje i dovelo do dodatnih strahova, tikova i niza drugih problema.
Milošu je potrebna velika podrška radi poboljšanja njegovog stanja i svega što treba učiniti da bude samostalan u budućnosti. Potrebna su mu sredstva za rad sa logopedom i defektologom, specijalan režim ishrane zbog alergije na hranu, suplementacije, fizikalne terapije zbog ozbiljnog problema sa kifozom, terapije psihomotorne readukacije i senzorne sobe, terapijsko plivanje sa delfiinima, uređaj za jonizaciju vode zbog vrlo lošeg imuno sistema i najvažnije tretmane matičnim ćelijama, zbog kojih mora da se leči u inostranstvu, kao i za troškove puta i smeštaja.
Ovim putem pozivamo sve ljude dobre volje da pomognu Milošu da pobedi i postane šampion svog života, tako što će poslati SMS sa brojem 174 na 2407. Uplate za pomoć u lečenju mogu se izvršiti i na dinarski i devizni račun korisnika i putem E-doniraj internet plaćanjem platnim karticama iz celog sveta, kao i preko PayPal-a.
Cena SMS poruke iznosi 200 dinara. PDV se ne naplaćuje. Mogućnost slanja SMS-a imaju korisnici MTS, Yettel, A1 i Globaltel mreže.
Milos (2008.) was born as a healthy, cheerful and progressive boy in Belgrade, Serbia. He started speaking his first words within only twelve months and during that period he had excellent motor skills. However, only two months later, Milos has stopped responding to his name, completely stopped speaking and his motor skills drastically worsened. At twenty months, Milos was diagnosed with a severe form of autism, with not very optimistitic prospects for improvement.
Today, Milos has made tremendous progress through a great struggle. He has some speech, although it is underdeveloped for his age, and his fine and gross motor skills are poor. He is hypersensitive to certain sounds and sudden situations, exibits variable behaviour, he is socially and emotionally immature and not independant. He was raised by a single mom, grandmother and grandfather, who both suddenly passed away three years ago. His unemployed mother is now completely left alone with the child who has experienced a tremendous trauma due to the sudden loss of both grandparents, worsening his mental state and leading to additional fears, ticks and a range of other problems.
Milos needs significant support in order to improve his condition and everything necessary to become independant in the future. He requires funds for a speech therapist and defectologist, special diet due to food alergies, supplementation, physical therapy for a serious kyphosis problem, psychomotor reeducation therapy and sensory room sessions, therapeutic swimming with dolphins, water ionization device due to the poor imune system and the most importantly stem cells treatments that require treatment abroad as well as expenses for travel and accomodation.
This way we are inviting all the kind-hearted people to help Milos overcome illness and become a champion of his life by making a donation for his treatment to the designated foreign currency account and through E-donate online payments using payment cards from around the world as well as via PayPal.